Young Fatha, named Michael Anderson, is a 31- year- old bad boy turned good who specializes in rap music; more specifically SoulHop/gospel . He is a native of Kansas City and has been a recording artist for over 15 years. Growing up, Michael lived in the midst of the inner city between 55th & Michigan and 55th & Woodland where he witnessed a lot of crime and violence. After years of performing in a down- spiraled lifestyle, a recent epiphany and life altering experience convicted Michael to one day change his message. At the age 10, Michael’s family home was ambushed and he and his siblings were forced to relocate to southern Kansas City with his grandparents in 1998. As a teen, Michael attended the area high school but decided very shortly, after watching his older brother make money in the streets, that school was not important. He dropped out of classes in the tenth grade and began to pursue what he knew; the street life of drugs, money, and music. Michael hooked up with a couple of neighborhood friends and began a rap group called THE 816ICC CLICC with his younger brother. Michael was aware of the fact that he had to get a diploma before it was to late so he went to job corp and the 816icc clicc split up. when Michael finished job corp receiving his high school diploma and culinary arts certifications he returned back to the streets and hooked up with his best friends forming the Turf Bros, where he adopted the rap name “Crucial”. The group’s music gave Michael the energy and confidence he felt needed to feed his keen desire to be a street tycoon. Money, music, and women were his drive. Michael vastly gained street credibility and “buzz” in the local rap game and was soon making deals to be booked for various shows. He shook hands with business executives on the local scene and began performing opening acts for major recording artist. It was on the set of one of these debut performances as “Crucial” that Michael Anderson’s life would change forever. he was just finishing up his project ((Im A YOUNG FATHA) Michael began writing rap lyrics about the word of God and called himself “Young Fatha”. Young Fatha was a name given to him by a local liquor store clerk who knew Michael to be the young father of two little girls. Now a father of three, Young Fatha is on the mission to reach the people of God and spread the message of Hope with his music . Within the past three years he has auditioned for the APOLLO, XFACTOR performed, served, and testified at numerous Kansas City events to increase his work as a steward of Christ. TWO years ago Young Fatha and his band, Without Price Worship, performed at the “Rock the Mic” Competition hosted by the KC Black Expo where many supporters, including national recording artist Full Force, was in attendance. Amongst over 20 other great acts, Young Fatha won. He was approached by many local music gurus interested in working with him in the future. Last year YoungFatha had the privilege of performing with counter culture in Houston Texas at the South by Southwest Concert series. youngfatha also toured the region last year. this year he is planning on releasing two projects and lots of videos with a positive message behind them. youngfatha is also the co-founder of a new music genre “SoulHOP” 2016 YOUNGFATHA “i don’t force anything, everything is Natural” Young Fatha is Now Married with three children he attends St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church 3238 apse BLVD kansas city MO. youngfatha is currently working on a project (Monthly Rant). He recently recorded a painstaking video titled Truth Hurts in Kansas City that has evoked tons of response from local and surrounding communities. Though some may say that Young Fatha’s unfiltered approach to reach youth is borderline unorthodox, and could be viewed as “raw”, Young Fatha expresses that, “I used to run the streets until I got saved, so I feel like my experiences as a troubled youth can reach out and save someone from going down the wrong path.” To view Young Fatha’s video Truth Hurts visit
. And the latest video "KingZ Theme"