This is a story about a man who loved to live the fast life, until he woke up from a coma, blind, and paralyzed from the shoulders down, one day in 2003. He...
This is a story about a man who loved to live the fast life, until he woke up from a coma, blind, and paralyzed from the shoulders down, one day in 2003. He beat the odds, got his sight back, and the feeling throughout his body! All this because of a mosquito bite! While in recovery, he decided that music was all he had left to become a success, so he got a guitar, a book and started to learn. Three weeks later, DaIMeOn was playing his first acoustic show ever, on Myrtle Beach, in SC. It was a success! After that day, he kept his guitar on him, and started meeting players at open jams around Tempe, AZ. They would end up forming ",The Igneous Rocks' band, in 2006. In 2007 The Igneous Rocks were killing it! Playing shows three times a week, from AZ to Harlem, NY, when DaIMeOn performed Bob Marley's " No Woman No Cry" at the world famous Apollo Theater! His make it or break it gig. DaIMeOn MOSleY made it that day, so you're stuck with him! Writing music inspired by many genres of music, he brings you a sound that mixes it all up, so there's something for everyone. Believe it!